About Us

The Marmalade Democracy

We're The Marmalade Democracy, the group behind the Steampunk comedy web series 'The Confounded Correspondence of Doctor J.' We're based in the UK, and our favourite things include pocketwatches and crumpets.

The Team

Loz is a mostly docile creature, residing in a bubble of confusion and bemusement. For Doctor J, Loz served as writer, editor, composer and Percival. His chief goals in life are 'be more whimsical' and to some day earn enough money to contsruct a small cottage, which he shall duly surround with goats. Loz's chief interests are nature, gaming, anything pretty and/or pleasant smelling, writing, cats. He is currently undertaking studying on an MA in Professional Writing.

 A 'person' who like 'things'.
For our Doctor J Gray served as a writer and camerahuman. His interests involve frozen yoghurt, online gaming, Richard Whitely, sleeping, technology, solitaire and sleeping. He is particurlarly good at inventing sandwiches. He is currently studying on a BA in Computer Science.

For our most recent project (Doctor J), Josh served as a writer, director, and doctor. Josh is mostly spoken of in whispered legends around campfires. Recently heiroglyphics were discovered in Egypt describing a 'small hairy man-creature' with 'magical powers' and a 'face'. We believe this creature to be one and the same as our own dear Josh. Josh takes an extensive interest in Celtic folklore - this may be because more often than not he appears in it. Josh's chief interests are gaming, anime\manga, dictatorship, owning a cape, and 'The Past'. He has recently completed a degree in Education Studies, and is now working as a teaching assistant, which gives me hope/despair for the future.